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76 Watchers83 Deviations
Taken from :iconnami-star:

[] You have a boyfriend/girlfriend. 
[] You have your own room.
[x] You own a cell phone.
[x] You have an mp3 player/ipod/discman.
[] Your parents are still married.
[x] You love your family (kinda XD)
[] There is a pool/spa in your backyard. (That'd be amazing)
T 0 T A L: 3

[x] You dress the way you want to.
[] You hang out with friends more than once a week. 
[x] There is a computer/ laptop in your room.
[x] You have never been beaten up
[x] You are allowed to listen to the music you want to.
[] Your room is big enough for you (NO!!!)
[x] People don't use you for something you have. 
[x] You have been to the movies.
T 0 T A L: 9

[] You have over 500 friends on facebook (I don't have one XD)
[] You have pictures on facebook
[] Your parents let you have a facebook 
[] You get allowance/loan. (Nope...)
[x] You collect something normal.
[x] You look forward to going to college
[x] You don't wish you were someone else. (I am unique VwV)
[] You play a sport.
[x] You want to do something after school/college
T 0 T A L: 13

[ ] You own a car/truck. 
[x] You usually don't fight with your parent(s).
[x] You have never got a failing grade on a report card in your life.
[x] You have friends.
[x] You've never had a detention
T O T A L: 17

[x] You know what is going on in the world.
[] You are happy with your life (could be better)
[x] You usually aren't sick.
[] You know more than one language.
[x] You have a screen name.
[x] You own a pet.
[x] You know the words to more than 5 songs.
[x] You don't have any enemies
T O T A L: 23

Total over all: 23

Multiply it by 3 = 69%
101%+: A+
90-100%: A 
80-89%: B
70-79%: C
60-69%: D
00-59%: F


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Oh My FUCK!!!

8 min read

What the HELL is wrong with me? lol... ugh...

[x] Acousticophilia: sexual arousal from certain sounds. (yeah :/)

[ ] Agalmatophilia: sexual attraction to statues or mannequins or immobility.

[x] Algolagnia: sexual pleasure from pain. (yes,...)

[ ] Amaurophilia: sexual arousal by a partner whom one is unable to see due to artificial means, such as being blindfolded or having sex in total darkness.

[ ] Acrotomophilia and apotemnophilia: sexual attraction to amputation or amputees.

[] Andromimetophilia (also gynemimetophilia): sexual attraction towards women dressed as men or who have had a sex change operation. 

[ ] Aquaphilia: arousal from water and/or in watery environments, including bathtubs and swimming pools.

[ ] Aretifism: sexual attraction to people who are without footwear, in contrast to retifism.

[ ] Autogynephilia: love of oneself as a woman.

[/] Autoassassinophilia: sexual arousal from fantasizing about or staging one's own murder. (Maybe??? I'm such a fucking creep)

[ ] Biastophilia: sexual arousal from assault and rape.

[ ] Chronophilia: sexual attraction to a partner of the same chronological age, but whose sexuoerotic age is discordant with that chronological age. (what 0-0)

[ ] Coprophilia: sexual attraction to (or pleasure from) feces. It's strictly related to Fecophilia, sexual arousal from defacation or watching a partner defecate, particularly on oneself.

[ ] Covert incestiphilia: arousal from non-contact sexual behavior with a child.

[x] Dacryphilia: sexual pleasure in eliciting tears from others or oneself. (others :stare: kind of evil)

[ ] Dendrophilia: sexual attraction to trees and other large plants. (What the fuck? That's hilarious)

[ ] Emetophilia (also vomerophilia): sexual attraction to vomiting.

[ ] Ephebophilia (also hebephilia): sexual attraction towards adolescents.

[/] Erotic asphyxia: sexual attraction from asphyxia (also called "breath control play" or "strangulation"), including autoerotic asphyxiation. (Maybe a bit... :/)

[ ] Erotic lactation (also galactophilia or lactophilia): sexual attraction to human milk or lactating women.

[ ] Exhibitionism (also autagonistophilia or peodeiktophilia): sexual arousal by engaging in sexual behavior in view of third parties (also includes the recurrent urge or behavior to expose one's genitals to an unsuspecting person). (actually quite the opposite XD.. I don't like it at all :hmm:)

[ ] Food play: sexual arousal from food. 

[ ] Formicophilia: sexual attraction to smaller animals, insects, etc. crawling on parts of the body.

[ ] Forniphilia: sexual objectification in which a person's body is incorporated into a piece of furniture.

[/] Frotteurism: sexual arousal from the recurrent urge or behavior of touching or rubbing against a non-consenting person. (haha... maybe?)

[ ] Gerontophilia: sexual attraction towards the elderly.

[ ] Homeovestism: sexual arousal by wearing the clothing of one's own gender. 

[ ] Human animal roleplay: sexual arousal by having oneself or a partner taking on the role of real or imaginary animal.

[x] Hybristophilia: sexual arousal to people who have committed crimes, in particular cruel or outrageous crimes. (I'm a creep)

[ ] Incestophilia: sexual attraction to a member of one's own family.

[ ] Katoptronophilia: sexual arousal from having sex in front of mirrors. (reminds me of a someone XD... vaguely)

[ ] Kleptophilia: sexual arousal from stealing things.

[ ] Klismaphilia: sexual pleasure from enemas.

[/] Lust murder (also homicidophilia or erotophonophilia): sexual arousal from committing (or trying to commit) murder. It also appear to be strictly related with others similar paraphilias like sexual sadism, necrophilia, vorarephilia and Blood fetish. (a bit?)

[ ] Macrophilia: sexual attraction to giants or giant body parts (such as breasts and genitalia)—the opposite of microphilia.

[x] Masochism: the recurrent urge or behavior of wanting to be humiliated, beaten, bound, or otherwise made to suffer. (hehe.. ^^;)

[ ] Microphilia: sexual attraction to miniature people or miniature body parts—the opposite of macrophilia.

[ ] Modzeleskphilia: sexual attraction to food. Namely cheese, nachos, and red wines.

[ ] Mysophilia: sexual attraction to soiled, dirty, foul or decaying materials.

[ ] Narratophilia: sexual arousal in the use of dirty or obscene words to a partner.

[/] Necrophilia: sexual attraction to corpses. It includes necrosadism, sexual gratification derived by mutilating and dismembering corpses. (ome may know why I say this is a "maybe" XD)

[XXXXXXXXXXXXX] Odaxelagnia: sexual arousal associated with biting or being bitten. (oh yes! Such agreement to this!)

[x] Olfactophilia: sexual stimulus with smells or odors. (oph.... I guess)

[ ] Paraphilic infantilism: sexual pleasure from dressing, acting, or being treated as a baby.

[ ] Parthenophilia: sexual attraction to virgins.

[ ] Pedophilia: sexual attraction to prepubescent children. It includes Nepiophilia (also infantophilia), sexual attraction to children three years old or younger. 

[ ] Pictophilia: sexual attraction to pictorial pornography or erotic art.

[ ] Plushophilia: sexual attraction to stuffed animals and/or people dressed in animal costumes.

[ ] Pyrophilia: sexual arousal through watching, setting, hearing, talking or fantasizing about fire.

[ ] Racial fetish: attraction to someone of a different colour.

[XXX] Sadism: deriving pleasure, or in some cases sexual arousal from giving pain. (yeah :/)

[ ] Salirophila: sexual arousal by soiling (only the appearance of) the object of one's desired partner.

[x] Schediaphilia: sexual attraction to cartoon characters. (I don't know???... Wait... YES! XD)

[ ] Sitophilia: sexual arousal by involving food in sex.

[x] Somnophilia: sexual arousal from sleeping or unconscious people. It appears to be related to necrophilia. (I never knew this was a thing but strangely it applies ^^;)

[ ] Sthenolagnia: sexual arousal from the demonstration of strength or muscles.

[ ] Telephone scatologia: being sexually aroused by making obscene phone calls to strangers.

[/] Teratophilia: sexual attraction to deformed or monstrous features. (what???)

[ ] Transvestic fetishism: sexual arousal from the wearing of clothes typically associated with the opposite gender to the wearer. 

[ ] Trichophilia: sexual arousal from hair. 

[ ] Troilism: sharing a sexual partner with another person while looking on.

[ ] Urolagnia: sexual attraction to urine, including urinating in public, urinating on others, and being urinated on by others; it includes Urophagia: sexual attraction to drinking urine or watching others drink urine.

[ ] Vorarephilia (also gynophagia): sexual attraction at the thought of being eaten by or eating another person or creature. It includes endosomataphillia—a sexual fetish of being within someone (a sub-genre is partial unbirthing—a sexual attraction to inserting an adult head into a vagina).

[ ] Voyeurism: sexual arousal through secretly watching others having sex (also includes scoptophilia—the recurrent urge or behavior to observe an unsuspecting person who is naked, disrobing or engaging in sexual activities.)

[x] Xenophilia: sexual attraction to foreigners. (XD because I hate America)

[/] Zelophilia: sexual arousal from jealousy.

[ ] Zoophilia: sexual attraction to animals.

[ ] Zoosadism: sexual gratification derived from causing pain and suffering to animals. Necrozoophilia (also necrobestiality) strictly applies to killing animals. (FUCK NO)

[ ] Anesthesia fetishism: sexual fetish for anesthesia.

[/] Blood fetishism (also haematophilia): sexual fetish for blood (also known as vampire fetish, hematolagnia and haematophilia), and is an anthropological term used to describe the belief within a society or culture that blood in itself (as a material substance) possesses powerful and magical properties. (maybe?)

[ ] Breast fetishism.

[ ] Breast expansion fetishism.

[ ] Crush fetish: a paraphilia which primarily consists of the desire to see others (generally a desirable potential partner) crush small creatures such as insects, mammals and reptiles.

[ ] Diaper fetishism.

[ ] Doll fetish.

[ ] Fat fetishism.

[ ] Foot fetishism. 

[x] Garment fetishism: sexual fetish that revolves around a fixation upon a particular article or type of clothing, a collection of garments that appear as part of a fashion or uniform, or a person dressed in such a garment.

[] Hand fetishism.

[ ] Hip fetishism.

[/] Hypnofetishism: sexual fetish for hypnosis and similar forms of mental persuasion, therapy or mind control. (My creepiness is overpowering)

[ ] Impregnation fetish.

[ ] Medical fetishism.

[ ] Navel fetishism.

[ ] Nose fetishism (also nasophilia).

[ ] Panty fetishism.

[ ] Pregnancy fetishism.

[ ] Robot fetishism

[ ] Shoe fetishism

[/] Silk/Satin fetishism (maybe XD)

[ ] Smoking fetishism (Capnolagnia).

[ ] Spandex fetishism.

[ ] Tickling fetishism (also acarophilia).  (no but it is fun to tickle lol)

[ ] Total enclosure fetishism: sexual fetishism whereby a person becomes aroused when having entire body enclosed in a certain way, hence the name.

[ ] Transformation fetish.

[ ] Wet and messy fetishism: sexual arousal by having substances deliberately and generously applied to the naked skin, or to the clothes people are wearing.
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I'm ---% Cute

3 min read
Stolen from :iconnami-star:.


[]= You have blue/green eyes. ((lol nope
[x] = You blush a lot. (involuntarily XD)
[x] = You giggle. (derp //yes)
[x] = You're quiet  (too quiet XD)
[x] = You say random silly things (oh yes!)
[x] = You have a baby face. (kinda)
[x] = You wear a more down to earth style of clothing. (I guess XD)
[x] = You don't wear halter tops or anything to showy. (Blech... has to be a long shirt... or else I'm constantly pulling it down nervously ^^;)
[x] = Your under 5 feet 6 inches tall. (5 foot 5 1/2 XD)


[x] = You're a virgin.
[x] = Just thinking of sexual things makes you blush.
[x] = Your idea of a date is really romantic. 
[x] = You sleep with a stuffed animal. (Multiple ones XD)
[x] = You like to cuddle. (yes... its so nice and sweet :blush:)
[x] = You've never played the Nervous game. 
[ ] = You don't even know what the nervous game is. 


[x] = You like the color pink/light blue. (light blues :heart:)
[ ] = You tend to wear bright/girly colors. ((I mostly like wearing darker shades of most colors


[x] = You can be ignorant/oblivious. (definitely)
[x] = You'd consider yourself shy.
[x] = You like happy upbeat music. (sometimes XD)
[x] = You like "Cutesy" music. (Depends XD)


What YOU think is cute:
[x] = You like small animals.
[ ] = You like babies a lot. (I don't want one and I am afraid to touch them or even be near them ^^;... I don't know how to act without upsetting them... I get nervous and stiff lol)
[x] = Small/mini versions of things make you go "Awww <3". (definitely)


[x] = You know when somebody lies.
[ ] = You had to use a calculator to know the percent on this meme.
[ ] = One of your friends told you to make this.
[x] = You just realized this was made for girls. (didn't know it was specific ^^;)

TOTAL so far: 23

Multiply how many you got by 4.
Repost as: "I'm ---% Cute".'

23 x 4 = 92 - I am 92% cute.
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:squee: You look like gore covered in skin!
I look like skin covered in gore :psychotic:
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1 min read
So at least 45 minutes ago something happened... For the second time in my life I had just watched a light that MOST CERTAINLY was turned OFF flicker!!! The first time no doubtedly was off! But this time both me and my brother were up 3:00 am and saw the lamp that WAS OFF flicker... But this lamp plugs into an outlet that can be turned off with a switch.. the switch was on... but that lamp was off... My brother was worried it would short things so he told ME to go turn it off... haha.. but he said it a little concerned and was like "KC!!! Go turn it off!".... eh but that wasn't the first time lights did that to us so yes... a little spooky :stare:
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MUI (More Useless Information) by Cyodee, journal

Update #1 by Cyodee, journal